Saturday, October 25, 2008

My talk with my friend form UCLA

After two weeks of madly conducting my survey and sending out e-mails...I needed some down time for my Thursday night. I started iChatting with my friend who's studying Media Arts as a master student at UCLA. After catching up with each other, I told her about my grad project and we both got excited. It stimulated a whole other conversation.

Ideas sparked. She introduced me to lots of great websites regarding info graphics and her professors' work. I was impressed and kept on writing in my sketchbook on notes and different levels of my grad project. We kept on peeling the project layer by layer and it was fun. I got a different perspective and saw other opportunities I can do for my project. I kept on thanking her for helping me out dissecting the project with me and giving me resources she's got from her end. She was happy to help because she's writing her thesis and it helps her come up with other idea by talking about my project. We both got really nerdy and couldn't stop talking until 4:40am...

It was time well spent though. Here are some sites she's given me. Thought I'd share. Enjoy.

Information Aesthetics

Williem Henri Lucas
UCLA Desig/Media Arts Faculty Gallery

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